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233 lines
## ##
## M M ll tt ii RRRRR ##
## MM MM ll tt RR RR ##
## MMM MMM uu uu ll ttttt ii RR RR eeee qqqqq ##
## MMMMMMM uu uu ll tt ii RRRRR ee ee qq qq ##
## MM M MM uu uu ll tt ii RR RR eeeeee qq qq ##
## MM MM uu uu ll tt ii RR RR ee qqqqq ##
## MM MM uuuuu ll ttt ii RR RR eeee qq ##
## qq ##
## ##
MultiReq v1.20 © 11/1992 by Andreas Krebs (released at 12-Nov-92)
This file contains a complete description of the "Multitasking FileRequester",
that is started through the FileRequester-function of the "multireq.library".
The functions of the library are described in the file Library.doc.
1. Introduction:
The multireq.library and the FileRequester are completly written in assembler
and so it's small, fast and easy to use.
The main difference between the "Multitasking FileRequester" and other File-
Requesters is, that it consists of 2 tasks (therefor multitasking). The first
(main) task is the task, that started the FileRequester and the second one is
called "ReadProcess". The jobs of the FileRequester are shared between the 2
tasks, whereby it's strictly arranged which job is done by which task.
The main task is responsible for the graphics of the FileRequester and for all
inputs from the user. The ReadProcess is only responsible for the reading in of
directories and is controlled by the main task.
This job sharing allows, that you can work with the FileRequester while a
directory is read in, and except to 3 gadgets all functions of the FileRequester
are available during the read in.
2. Using the FileRequesters:
When started the FileRequester opens a window, that contains the following lists
and gadgets:
2.1 The Close-gadget:
This gadget is located in the left top edge of the FileRequester and is used to
close the FileRequester, whereby the action following now is not defined, cause
it depends on the program, that opened the FileRequester.
2.2 The Move-gadget:
This gadget is the title line of the FileRequester and allows to move the whole
2.3 The Depth-gadget:
This gadget is located in the right top edge, and it's used to put the File-
Requester in the foreground resp. background depending on the place it's
2.4 The Files-list:
This list is located in the large rectangle and contains all actually read in
sub directories and files of the current directory in alphabetical order,
whereby first the directory are displayed together with an drawer symbol and
afterwards the files are displayed together with their size in bytes.
During the read in process this order is not used, but it's automatically
restored, when the directory is read in.
If you click on a directory, it'll become the current directory (see 2.16) and
is automatically read in.
If you click on a file, it'll become activated (it's displayed inverted) and
it's name is displayed in the File-Gadget (see 2.18). Possibly an earlier
activated file become inactive.
A double click on the file also causes the FileRequester to be closed and to
return to the calling program.
2.5 The FileScroll-gadgets:
This 3 gadgets are located behind the File-list and are used to scroll the File-
list, whereby the 2 arrow-gadgets are used to scroll the list in the direction
of the corresponding arrow.
The proportional-gadget (between the 2 arrows) allows you to scroll the File-
list by moving the scrollbar.
2.6 The Volumes-list:
This list is located in a rectangle right of the Files-list and contains in
alphabetical order all connected drives, inserted volumes and logical devices
that are currently active, whereby the list is redisplayed if a disk is inserted
or removed.
A special entry is the first entry called "Current", it stands for the current
directory of the calling task (do not mix up with the current directory of the
After the "Current" entry a list of all connected drives is displayed, whereby
a disk-, harddisk- or IC-symbol is displayed in front of the name depending on
the type of drive. After the drives all inserted volumes are displayed with the
Symbol VOL (for volume), and at the end all logical devices are displayed
together with the symbol LDV (for Logical DeVice).
If you click on one of this entries, the corresponding directory becomes the
current directory and is automatically read in.
2.7 The VolumesScroll-gadgets:
This 3 gadgets are located behind the Volumes-list and are used to scroll the
Volumes-list. This gadgets are identical to the FileScroll-Gadgets (see 2.5).
2.8 The Directory-gadget:
This gadget contains the text "Directory" followed by "1" or "2". The number
stands for the currently shown Files-list. With this gadget you can switch
between the two Files-lists, if you have to change the directory often.
This function is not available during a directory is read in. During this time
the gadget is switched off and displayed ghosted.
2.9 The Copy-gadgets:
This two gadgets contain the text "Dir1->Dir2" resp. "Dir2->Dir1" and allow you
to copy the entries of Files-list 1 into Files-list 2 or vice versa, so that you
don't have to read in a directory twice, if you need it in both Files-lists.
This function is not available during a directory is read in. During this time
the gadgets are switched off and displayed ghosted.
2.10 The Show-gadget:
This stringgadget contains a pattern, that allows you to select which files
should be displayed, whereby only those files are displayed, that match the
A '*' symbol inside the pattern stands for a substring of any length and '|' is
used to separate two patterns.
So a pattern of the type "*.c|*-*|a*" e.g. causes, that only those files are
displayed that have the ending ".c", contain the "-" symbol or start with "a",
whereby no difference is made between small and capital letters.
2.11 The Hide-gadget:
This stringgadget contains a pattern, that allows you to select which files
should not be displayed, whereby only those files are hidden, that match the
The pattern has the same style as the pattern of the Show-gadget.
If a file matches the Show- and Hide-pattern, it's not displayed cause the
Hide-pattern has priority above the Show-pattern.
2.12 The Info-gadget:
This gadget contains the text "Show .info" or "Hide .info" depending on the
icons (all files ending with ".info") to be displayed or not. The status can be
changed by clicking on this gadget.
2.13 The Scan-gadget:
If you click on this gadget the current directory is read in further (if the
reading was stopped) or is read in again (if it was already read in).
2.14 The Stop-gadget:
This gadget is only useful during a directory is read in, cause in this case
this gadget stops the reading process, if you click on it. But the reading
process can be continued everytime by clicking on the Scan-gadget.
2.15 The Reading-Display:
This display is the small rectangle in front of the text "Drawer:". When this
display is "shining" (it's displayed inverted) a drawer is currently read in.
2.16 The Drawer-gadget:
This stringgadget contains the total name and path of the current directory.
You can directly type in a directory and it's path into this gadget, and as soon
as you press the RETURN-key the directory becomes the current directory and is
automatically read in.
2.17 The '/'-gadget:
If you click on this gadget, the parent directory of the current directory
becomes the new current directory and is read in. If no parent directory exists
(e.g. the root directory of a disk) nothing happens when clicking on this
2.18 The File-gadget:
This stringgadget contains the name of the selected file (this files is
displayed inverted in the Files-list) or the name of a file, that should be
created. In difference to the Drawer-gadget this gadget is not changed, if you
switch between the two Files-lists.
This gadget is automatically set when clicking on a files. You can also type in
a filename directly into this stringgadget, whereby the FileRequester is closed
as soon as you press the RETURN-key inside this gadget.
2.19 The Okay-gadget:
This gadget is located in the left bottom edge of the FileRequester and can
contain different texts. If you click on this gadget, the FileRequester is
closed immediately, whereby the function following depends on the calling
2.20 The Message-field:
This field is located right of the Okay-gadget and is used to display messages
resp. informations. Normally this field contains a text of the type "x Files (y
shown), z Dirs". This text shows what is displayed in the Files-list, whereby x
stand for the number of files read in, y is the number of the files show and z
is the number of shown directories.
In case of an error this error is also shown in this field. By a click on this
field the error message disappears and the normal information is displayed
2.21 The Cancel-gadget:
With this gadget the FileRequester is normally canceled, whereby the function
always depends on the calling program.
Now the whole FileRequester is described and you should now be able to use it.
In case of problems, improvement suggestions or things like that, please send
them to me:
Andreas Krebs
Mittelweg 9
7110 Öhringen 2
Tel.: 07948/2101 (at the weekend or in the holidays)
Or send a Email to the following address:
Email: s_krebs@iravcl.ira.uka.de